Monday, August 6, 2012

How to Increase iPhone Battery Life

Increase iPhone Battery LifeHi, We all use Smartphones to make and receive calls, send texts, play games, listen to music and Surf internet by various applications. Apple has always paid attention on Battery life on their devices. today i will show you the Best way to Increase iPhone Battery Life. you can Increase iPhone Battery Life without any third party application.

Ways to Increase iPhone Battery Life

If you’ve used your iPhone for a few days, you may have noticed that the battery life is not as good as it was when you first got it. There are many reasons for this and the main culprits include:
  •  Misbehaving apps that keep turning location services on or waking up your phone, trying to tell you something.
  •  Your phone trying Low reception areas.
  • Syncing of large files (pictures, books, data etc.) from your phone to the “cloud”.
  • and many other application which dry out the Battery
  • Screen brightness, WiFi and Bluetooth
All the above things use Battery life. All of these this makes your Smart Phone ”Smart”. your smart phone is Not “smart” with low battery Life:P
Increase iPhone battery life
If you feel that your battery life is more important to you, then the best way you can get it back is by effectively disabling all the syncing, brightnesses changes and bad settings that have been pushed onto your phone by rogue apps.

Steps to Increase iPhone Battery Life

  • Uninstall any apps you may have recently installed. In particular you can save a lot of battery by uninstalling battery hungry apps that you don’t really need/use such as: VOIP Apps (Viber, Dell Voice etc).
  • Apps that upload your pics to the internet ( iCloud syncing, calendar syncing etc).
  • 2. Disable “notification” settings for apps that you don’t really need notifications from using: SETTINGS > NOTIFICATIONS.
  • Make your phone dumber: Turn off services that you don’t need. Things that you can turn off from SETTINGS include: Location services (no GPS if you do this!), Siri (i don’t use Siri, SIRI consumes a lot of Battery)
  • Prevent uploading of “Documents and Data” to iCloud when you’re using cellular data: Do so from SETTINGS > ICLOUD > DOCUMENTS & DATA > turn off USE CELLULAR
  • Prevent applications like Skype from signing you automatically from SETTINGS > SKYPE > SIGN IN AUTOMATICALLY
              Turn of Bluetooth: Bluetooth is used to Transfer data from phones.Switching on Bluetooth takes a Significant toll on the battery life. so always turn OFF your Bluetooth when you are not using it. moreover if you want to transfer data from your computer or laptop USE data cable instead of bluetooth.
Increase iPhone battery Life
Lower the Screen Brightness: By default iPhone is set at the brightness higher than one we are comfortable with. By Lowering the phone’s brightness your Battery life will increase, and you will also make your phone more comfortable for Viewing.
brightness in iPhone
Turn off Wi-Fi: The Strategy behind turning of the Wi Fi is same as turning off Bluetooth. when WiFi is on with no use. it Drains battery without any use. so turning off Wi-Fi without any use will save a lot battery.
increase iPhone battery life
As far as I know, disabling things and resetting are the only ways of improving battery life on the iPhones (apart from draining the battery fully and recharging it again). If you know any other Methods to Increase iPhone battery Life. Let me know through comments